Thursday, September 14, 2017

Up the hill

Reunited with their companion, Broo Fang Tane, the freelance historian Esmiralda and Seymuhr, the odd brawler known as Skullsquasher, resume their journey to the palace in Veral Ski, where they would report to Queen Phedora on the death o their companion, Merrick, a leader in the mysterious Ministry of Human Preservation....

We left the bodies in the street. Behind us, the swaying tavern patrons who had witnessed the brief scuffle began to wager on which one would rise first: the girl who had stubbed her toe and tumbled on the hard cobbled streets of Veral Ski, or the man who had confronted Seymuhr over his reaction. Had I any spare coin, I would have placed it on the girl. She was at least trying to collect herself. Seymuhr's assailant lay still.

"I hardly think that was necessary."

Seymuhr shrugged. His voice was raspy but he didn't sound concerned. "He made the challenge. I accepted. Perhaps he'll think twice before he threatens someone smaller than him again."

"If he can still think," I murmured.

"I, for one, hope he can...change," Broo Fang Tane put in. "I have...hopes...that I will someday be a...ble to walk a tavern or down the...street without maiming someone."

"I share that hope," I replied. Broo Fang Tane had a gift for attracting violence. It could have been his cheerful expression, slight frame, monk's robes or his happy demeanor--or a combination of all those things. Rarely in my life had I seen anyone who sparked mischief in other people or attracted such a level of brazen assholery. "Now would be a good time to keep a tight reign on your temper. We are entering a portion of the city where we can't just leave bodies in the streets and mass slaughter is, in general, frowned upon."

"It is always a good....time," said the crestfallen monk. "I only...wish it were that...easy."

"You're easy!" Seymuhr laughed. Tane gave him a quizzical look and I told him I would explain Seymuhr's latest idiocy

The structures indeed showed a little more care than those in the center of the city. They stood straighter, taller and were separated by alleyways that were even occasionally clean. IN many cases, sturdy-looking men lounged about their entrances, keeping an eye on the foot traffic in the street as well as eyeing potential customers up and down. This close to the Noble Gate, merchants were just as concerned about maintaining an environment that would appeal to their more skittish clients as they were anything else. Hiring older Shieldsmen to maintain peace and intimidate the occasional ne'er do well who climbed this far into Veral Ski was a common practice.

We drew more than a few glances. Seymuhr, short but powerful and armed with his two maces, caused the men to touch their own blades as we walked by. Broo Fang Tane, the poor man, was the recipient of a few hurled insults. I adjusted my own posture, striding purposefully forward, head held high, but was ignored.

"Just ignore them," I murmured. "They'll do no harm if we keep moving and act like we belong here."

"I thought you did belong here," Seymuhr said. "Visiting the queen was your idea, was it not?"

"It was. Truth be told, I am not sure she will receive us, or how she will bear the sad news that we must convey." I paused, for we were nearing the next gate, and tried to straighten my garments and control my hair. I reached for Merrick's bauble and was comforted to find it, tucked away in the place I had hidden it to protect it from pickpockets.

"And how do you gain au....di...ence with the queen?" Tane wanted to know.

"I'm working on it," I answered. We stepped forward into the shadow of the Noble Gate.